Register for our upcoming Engineering Crash Course event now!

event recaps

intro to first expo

We hosted our Introduction to FIRST Expo on November 2nd, featuring robot demos, hands-on engineering challenges, and a giveaway of a Makerblock Robotics Kit! We saw over 50 participants at the event.


We were honored to be invited to participate in the annual Girls in STEM Expo on October 26! Around 45 participants attended the Expo and were exposed to FIRST robotics. Thank you to Girls in STEM for hosting this amazing opportunity!

Round-up robotics: 3d printing

We hosted our Coastal Capture CAD-a-thon, an event offering over $500 in prizes, from July 29 to August 3. We had 50 participants!

Acknowledgments: This event would not be possible without our sponsors. Special thanks to SendCutSend for their continued financial support, AndyMark's donation of merch, and SparkFun's donation of FIRST kits.

FIRST Crash course camp

From July 29 to August 2, we hosted our first FIRST Crash Course Camp! The camp was a huge success - our venue was at maximum capacity with full registration! We offered courses in both FTC and FLL.